Divine Energy Healing®
New York City
United States
ph: 888-HEALER-0
alt: (212) 547-8823
Your karma will be burnt in the Divine eternal fire of Shirdi Sai Baba.
Soul Healing is the fundamental Divine Energy Healing® Process that is recomended in all cases. It is remote energy healing - distant healing.
Corrections are made on the Soul Level and so disease is prevented or eliminated.
Select Soul Healing for heartbreak, emotional issues, spiritual clarity, mental issues, depression or anxiety. Also to balance energy and heal chakras.
This process is for the benefit of your Soul. I connect to your Soul in this process and Divine Energy Healing will begin working at the soul level. Healing in mind & body will be felt within 1 - 2 weeks.
Soul Healing can also be given as a gift.
Your gift can be anonymous, the recipient does not have to know of the healing for it to work. The healing is on the Soul Level, their soul will know.
This process directs Divine Energy Healing® for the healing of a specific illness or disease or physical condition, which is of a limited nature.
Examples are to speed healing of a broken bone, to improve eyesight or hearing due to aging or environmental damage, gout and other serious but not dangerous conditions. Even a very bad cold can be cleared.
This process directs Divine Energy Healing® for the healing of a specific illness or disease or physical condition, which is of a dangerous nature.
The patient may be in hospital and require immediate intervention.
For chronic disease that is not life-threatening, but is life altering.
Can be also physical impairment, result of accident or injury. Includes conditions one is born with.
Chronic - means long term disease / condition. It can be physical or mental in how it manifests. Autism is an example.
This is also the process to select to break the cycle of addiction.
Normally all of my process are completed within 72 hours - depending on timing and order received.
If you want the process completed within 12 hours pay the RUSH service fee.
This option is only available for clients paying the non-discounted fee.
A Custom Process can be used to work on a specific area of life, such as business, job or family. A Custom Process can also be used to address specific improvment in our spiritual life or deal with long-standing issues.
Before starting the process or after as a review (your choice) we will have a 15 minute phone or skype consult to discuss your desires for the process.*
The included phone consult is only to discuss the specific process, it is not for readings or other consultations.
Before purchase, you need to email what your intention is for the process and we will advise.
It is strongly advised that anyone requesting a Custom Process, first purchase a Soul Healing Process.
If the telphone consulation is scheduled sooner than 24 Hours in advance there are additional charges, incl. RUSH fee and others - please see below.
If you have purchased a healing process, or another process such as Soul Mate or family Healing, you may add this phone consult of 30 minutes for $199.00*.
You may purchase one or more add-ons per process at the time that you purchase the process.
This is to be paid within one week after purchasing the process. After one week the full fee for a telephone consult is used.
Prepay for three remote Divine Energy Healing® Soul Healing Processes and receive a big discount. These sessions can be used for yourself or given as gifts and they never expire.
For example, you could use one for yourself, and gift the others, one to one person and the thrid to another person.
The gift of Soul Healing can be anomonous, the recipient does not have to know, since the healing is on the Soul Level, their sould will know.
*Any amount over the included 1/2 hour will be charged at the standard rate for phone consults of 1/2 hour: $229 & 1 hour: $359 (amount will be rounded up ie..if the call goes over by 45 minutes the additional charge is $359, if the call goes over by 20 minutes the additional charge is $229)
This included call is to discuss the process it is included with, other discussions or readings are charged as separate consultations and are not included.
If you want to speak within the next four hours and the time is available, add $150.00 to any consult.
A Same-Day Consult (not with-in 4 hours) is $99 additional.
If you absolutely need to speak to me between the hours of 8:30PM and 7AM NYC Eastern Time and I agree - you will need to prepay $619.00
If you absolutely need to speak to me between the hours of 5PM and 8:30PM or between 7AM & 9AM NYC Eastern Time and I agree - you will need to prepay $269.00
This fee is applied per one hour consulatation, (eg. this fee may be applied twice for a 90 miniute after hours consulation). This includes the RUSH fee.
Here is where I am doing process with Baba all day. This is the altar - Its from His picture that I am making connection and pulling His Divine Energy.
There is no guarantee how your healing will manifest itself, all people receive spiritual soul healing. It is not so much the process heals the disease, but rather the healing goes to the origins of the condition and heals the roots of your disease. From there comes the manifestation of physical healing of disease.
As such there are no refunds.
Subscribe to our Healing Program
The Healing Monthly Subscription is $2,500 a year - paid $208 per month
The Once Weekly Healing Option w/One consult per month is $650 per month
The Weekly Consultation + Healing is $175 per week/paid weekly
For Healing on the Physical - Add Physical Healing to the Once Weekly Soul Healing : $1,080 each month total
This is a minimum one year subscription and you must make a commitment to make all 12 monthly or 52 weekly payments. After the first 12 payments or 52 weekly payments, you may end your subscription at any time.
After you pay for the Initial fee, email: healing@evananda.net with your birthdate and place of birth and if you have a recent photo. I will reply to you by email.
For Soul Healing I connect to the Divine Energy of Shirdi Sai Baba - for the benefit of your Soul. Soul Healing is Spiritual Healing.
Distant Divine Energy Healing® processes utilize the universal soul connection. With remote healing the connection is made to your Soul.
If you are ready to make a commitment to a true healing process, then Divine Energy Healing® - Soul Healing is what you should do. Select this for healing heartbreak and deep emotional issues, mental blocks - worries and for spiritual clarity. It's also for depression or anxiety conditions.
Divine Energy Healing® for Disease and Illness
Select Divine Energy Healing® for specific disease, illness or physical conditions. This type of healing may require more than one session to correct the problem, if it is deeply seated.
There are two distinct process to choose from. the first is for a disease or condition of a limited nature, used for something that can be considered an acute condition. It is selected for serious but not dangerous conditions.
The second process is to heal a chronic or long-term disease or condition or addiction or mental illness. Usually the client is already under some level of care for a chronic condition.
Sometimes physical illness may be very difficult, so it is always advised to seek or continue with mainstream medical care also, such as Medical Doctors or other healthcare professionals.
Divine Energy Healing® for Life Threatening Disease
For cancer and heart disease, and other very serious conditions, liver disease, kidney failure, whatever you have been diagnosed with as life threatening. Contact me as soon as you can, don't hesitate.
Continue with your regular medical treatment or whatever you are doing. To reverse this kind of disease, usually may take some time after the healing process.
The Process for Life Threatening Disease
The clearing of ancestral karma is very valuable for our soul and also protects your children or future children from the ancestors' karma. Once the clearing of negative ancestral karma is completed, people report much more clarity and positive "connections" with ancestors.
The process that I do, with the Divine Blessing of Shirdi Sai Baba, neutralizes these ancestral karmas.
Learn about Ancestral Karma Clearing
Restore and Balance Your Chakras Remotely with the Divine Energy Healing® Chakra Process
Heal the link between the astral and physical bodies. This restores the ability of the astral body to remain connected with and in the physical body at times of stress.
Learn About Astral Body Healing
Sometimes we find ourselves stuck with some specific or generalized fear that has become debilitating, with this process over ninty percent of the fear can be removed.
Learn about our processes for the healing of Kundalini Syndrome
Real People - Real Names
Divine Energy Healing® Subscription
With this work - some payment is always required, your karma is being burnt in The Divine Fire of Shirdi Sai Baba.
Healing Protocols
Every teacher and/or healer is different. You may have worked with one person who did things a certain way before, and I may work differently. It is a Universal rule that the student must come to the teacher's or healer's perspective, and not the other way around.
The Followup to the Session.
Soul Healing work that I do is on the Soul Level. After the process with Divine Energy Healing™ is complete I will email you. At that point the process is complete.
If what I write brings up some questions, I will do my best to answer them in a timely manner.
If you feel that you would like additional consultation after the process is completed and more discussion, then a telephone consultation is the best option.
In addition to PayPal and direct credit card payments via authorize.net, we now accept eChecks with
Click here for info to pay by credit card or check without PayPal
You can also choose to have a credit card onfile with us at Authorize.Net
Then you will automatically be billed for phone consults and processes.
Pay securely on our website with PayPal
If you do not have access to a credit card or PayPal then payments may be mailed:
At this time via mail, I am only accepting cash or US Postal Money Orders
You may also to pay via Western Union Money Transfer
email for special instructions
If You Need Healing and Have Limited Resources I will Help You Regardless of Your Financial Situation.
Our fees are suggested amounts, if you cannot afford the suggested fee, you may pay what you can afford.
Cultivate the divine in your life to transform our world.
Divine Energy Healing® is a Registered Trademark of Evan Rofheart in the U.S. Pat. & Tm. Off.
If you have any specific questions about any medical matter you should consult your doctor or other professional healthcare provider. If you think you may be suffering from any medical condition you should seek immediate medical attention. You should never delay seeking medical advice, disregard medical advice, or discontinue medical treatment because of information on this website.
There is no guarantee how your healing will manifest itself, all people receive spiritual soul healing. It is not so much that the process heals the disease, but rather the healing goes to the origins of the condition and heals the roots of your disease. From there comes the manifestation of physical healing of disease.
Psychic advice, exorcism, spirit removal and similar are for entertainment purposes only.
The services offered within this site are intended for entertainment purposes only and in no way constitute Legal, Financial, Medical or any other Advice/Counseling. By using this site you do so freely and accept all of the terms listed herein and throughout this site.
Information received from evananda.net or from Evan Rofheart does not constitute professional advice for which professional license is required.
Every teacher and/or healer is different. You may have worked with one person who did things a certain way before, and I may work differently. It is a Universal rule that the student must come to the teacher's or healer's perspective, and not the other way around. No refunds are available.
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Divine Energy Healing®
New York City
United States
ph: 888-HEALER-0
alt: (212) 547-8823